DisclosureFest™ Foundation

Melissa Breslow

Melissa Breslow

Meet your host Melissa Breslow.

Melissa Breslow is the founder of Open Eyes Foundation, an awareness campaign that inspires solutions for a sustainable vegan future. She is also Vice President of VegFest L.A., a yoga teacher, and a sound and energy healer. A passionate vegan for almost 10 years, one of Melissa’s primary goals is to create community and support to guide new vegans on a positive path.

Shakti Naam is a powerful anti-aging and disease-defying yogic practice, new to the West from the Himalayas. It incorporates standing postures with deep rejuvenating breathing techniques to open the meridians (energy channels) and remove all blocks in the body.​This unique fusion of movement, breath, acupressure, stretching and vocal vibration, activates and strengthens the body's self-healing capacities and helps to increase one's life span- providing people of all ages with radiant health, happiness, and vitality. Class will involve standing postures with powerful breath work for detoxification, vitality and strength.

Melissa Breslow, founder of Mind-Body-Space, teaches yoga, breath, and shares divine spiritual wisdom. She is an aromatherapist, energy, and sound healer. While maintaining a strong focus in her Harmonyum healing practice, Melissa is certified in Hatha Yoga, Shakti Naam Yoga, and in Harmonyum 1, 2, and 3. She has trained with Wisdom of the Earth in plant healing through aromatherapy. She is a musician with a strong love for animals and is grateful for the blessing to serve and heal others. Melissa focuses on helping people achieve that point of bliss through tapping into their self-healing mechanism. Learn the tools to master the self to find joy and happiness in your life. Through positivity, breath, and movement, we can control our nervous system, blood chemistry, and overall health. Find physical healing in shifting your emotions through thought. Melissa sees private clients, facilitates group healings, and brings Mind-Body-Space to festivals with a full team of healers.